Saksalaiset ihastuivat Hakkarin kouluun
Kävimme täältä nettivekkarista haastattelemassa saksalaisia.
Saimme kokoon ryhmän tyttöjä ja haastattelimme heitä heidän ajastaan Suomessa.
1 Did you like your host family: Yes very much
2 What did you do while you were here?: We visited Tampere and Helsinki and we went shopping at the Ideapark.
3 What did you like the most while you were in Finland?: While we went to Helsinki and the shopping at Ideapark
4 What is the most different thing between Finland and Germany?: The language was very different and hard comparing to ie. English. The school was much more beautiful than in Germany and the lessons were better
5 Would you like to visit Finland again?: Yes absolutely
Also we asked them if they liked Salmiakki and by surprise almost no one liked it but there were a few exceptions
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