“Mum, I want to go on exchange”

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Moi, minä olen Erica Taras, Rotary vaihto-oppilas Italiasta, Sardiniasta. Olen ollut nyt Suomessa ja Lempäälän lukiossa lähes yhdeksän kuukautta… vain 57 päivää jäljellä. En osaa täysin selittää tunteitani, osa minusta kaipaa kotimaatani ja osa tahtoisi jäädä Suomeen. Olen huomannut, että kaipaan pieniä arkisia asioita ja päivittäisiä tuttuja rutiineja Italiasta. Kotiin palattuani tulen varmasti kaipaamaan elämääni Suomessa. Ensimmäiset kuukaudet olivat minulle todella vaikeita. Halusin vain palata kotiin perheeni ja ystävieni luo… tuttuun ja turvalliseen.

At the beginning of your exchange you just feel alone, you have to build a new life from zero. But it’s from this point that you start to grow as a person. And at the end you realize that in one year you’ve been doing more than what you’ve done in sixteen years of your life. You’ve met people who you will never forget and the memories of your exchange will always be some of your best memories ever.

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I think that one of the difficulties during my staying in Finland has been making friends with Finnish people because most of them are quiet and shy, especially when they have to speak English (even if they do it well!) But I’ve appreciated and I want to thank every single person who has talked to me, smiled or said “moi”, the school personnel and some of the teachers that have been there for me from the beginning: my counselor Katja, Saija, Eeva, Jarmo and Maija. Special thanks also to YEO Jorma Kunnas and the Rotary Club of Lempäälä. Olen kiitollinen kaikille isäntäperheilleni ja erityisesti parhaalle suomalaiselle ystävälleni Milalle (en olisi selvinnyt ilman sinua)!

To conclude I’d like to suggest to every students to go on exchange, to travel and discover how beautiful the other countries and their cultures are. I swear that you won’t regret it and you’ll discover something more about yourself at the same time.


